Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch, Day 1) Night time stream... Unlocking things and stuffs and maybe some community battles!
Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch, Day 1) Night time stream... Unlocking things and stuffs and maybe some community battles!
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Chill Cast Sunday... Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu (Switch, PokeBall Pro) Can we finish the Pokedex today?  RNG please give me a Helix Fossil!
Chill Cast Sunday... Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu (Switch, PokeBall Pro) Can we finish the Pokedex today? RNG please give me a Helix Fossil!
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*Early Look* at Monster Boy and The Cursed Kingdom (Switch) Launches tomorrow!!!!!!! Thanks @FDG_Games and @GameAtelier for the game!
*Early Look* at Monster Boy and The Cursed Kingdom (Switch) Launches tomorrow!!!!!!! Thanks @FDG_Games and @GameAtelier for the game!
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GQ's Smash Lobby Rules!
GQ's Smash Lobby Rules!
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Trying out the Fitness Boxing Demo then finishing my Spyro 1 playthrough (first time ever)
Trying out the Fitness Boxing Demo then finishing my Spyro 1 playthrough (first time ever)
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6 years ago
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Post-finish shenanigans
Post-finish shenanigans
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6 years ago
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Today's Quest... Finished KH2 now trying to complete Birth by Sleep (PS4 Pro, Day 5)
Today's Quest... Finished KH2 now trying to complete Birth by Sleep (PS4 Pro, Day 5)
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