1 vote
syndereNsyndereN playing Dota 2
6 years ago
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Dendi is Playstation
Dendi is Playstation
0 votes
syndereNsyndereN playing Dota 2
5 years ago
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Synderen isn't a pugna player...
Synderen isn't a pugna player...
5 votes
syndereNsyndereN playing Dota 2
6 years ago
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Darkseer Pog play
Darkseer Pog play
11 votes
syndereNsyndereN playing Dota 2
5 years ago
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15 votes
syndereNsyndereN playing Dota 2
3 years ago
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Synderen's "Call to Arms" suggestion for the high mmr community: Streamlined queing at key times
Synderen's "Call to Arms" suggestion for the high mmr community: Streamlined queing at key times
24 votes
syndereNsyndereN playing Dota 2
5 years ago
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Glitched Shop
Glitched Shop
32 votes
syndereNsyndereN playing Dota 2
6 years ago
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