[203] Heartless, Nobodies, it makes no difference to me. I'll do whatever it takes to stop the Organization and save Riku and Kairi
[203] Heartless, Nobodies, it makes no difference to me. I'll do whatever it takes to stop the Organization and save Riku and Kairi
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Im standing
Im standing
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Circle of Life
Circle of Life
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6 years ago
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[200] Big 200! Early stream, trying to make some sweet level 1 progress. Probably playing something else later
[200] Big 200! Early stream, trying to make some sweet level 1 progress. Probably playing something else later
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[234] Lets wipe clean our preconceived notions and look at this from a new angle
[234] Lets wipe clean our preconceived notions and look at this from a new angle
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