Battle Brothers: Late game stuff. Mostly me dreading fighting armies of Skeletal romans and teleporting "nothing peronnal" vampires xddd
Battle Brothers: Late game stuff. Mostly me dreading fighting armies of Skeletal romans and teleporting "nothing peronnal" vampires xddd
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6 years ago
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Just Chatting: You never learn to appreciate how diverse and interesting the new tagging system is until you completely misuse it each time.
Just Chatting: You never learn to appreciate how diverse and interesting the new tagging system is until you completely misuse it each time.
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6 years ago
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Just Chatting: A short aside before I start murdering various fantasy races and or humans for money because reasons. In a game. Probably.
Just Chatting: A short aside before I start murdering various fantasy races and or humans for money because reasons. In a game. Probably.
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6 years ago
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MTG Arena: I basically just play this game because I can chat with you guys while I do it so this is more about chatting then vidya. Ye.
MTG Arena: I basically just play this game because I can chat with you guys while I do it so this is more about chatting then vidya. Ye.
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6 years ago
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Playtest your game before you change it?
Playtest your game before you change it?
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6 years ago
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bad game
bad game
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2 years ago
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Void polyp claims another PauseFish
Void polyp claims another PauseFish
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2 years ago
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