Tactics Ogre - my apologies to the US afternoon crew for my tardiness!
Tactics Ogre - my apologies to the US afternoon crew for my tardiness!
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"I'm not trying to shoot you!" (shoots him again twice)
"I'm not trying to shoot you!" (shoots him again twice)
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6 years ago
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When you bust the whole town up to hear dialogue options
When you bust the whole town up to hear dialogue options
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6 years ago
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Finishing this? #ad [thanks, SquareEnix!]
Finishing this? #ad [thanks, SquareEnix!]
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
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[Excalibur] - It's my 4-Year Partner Anniversary Month - AMA
[Excalibur] - It's my 4-Year Partner Anniversary Month - AMA
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6 years ago
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he licked WHAT
he licked WHAT
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okaydrianokaydrian playing Tunic
2 years ago
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