fer - 4 kills (3 AUG, USP-S HS) on the advanced Short defense (finishing frags - clean round)
fer - 4 kills (3 AUG, USP-S HS) on the advanced Short defense (finishing frags - clean round)
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tifa - 1vs3 clutch (CT - pre-plant situation)
tifa - 1vs3 clutch (CT - pre-plant situation)
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WESG lagging (look at chat)
WESG lagging (look at chat)
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seized gets oof'd by brollan
seized gets oof'd by brollan
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Kap3r triple kill hold (Inferno)
Kap3r triple kill hold (Inferno)
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SHiPZ taps down three in the second pistol round (Inferno)
SHiPZ taps down three in the second pistol round (Inferno)
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Fadey Nade 3k
Fadey Nade 3k
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