All Fnatic Monitors Being Changed after 16-0
All Fnatic Monitors Being Changed after 16-0
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Furlan - 4 AUG kills on the bombsite A defense (3rd person perspective)
Furlan - 4 AUG kills on the bombsite A defense (3rd person perspective)
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oh my god no
oh my god no
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twist - 4 AUG kills on the bombsite B defense (2vs4 situation - mostly 3rd person perspective)
twist - 4 AUG kills on the bombsite B defense (2vs4 situation - mostly 3rd person perspective)
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kennyS - ACE (with 1vs2 clutch) - second half pistol round
kennyS - ACE (with 1vs2 clutch) - second half pistol round
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Tinder advice during a CSGO tournament
Tinder advice during a CSGO tournament
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