15 votes
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JW - 3 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the Yard defense (initial frags - vs mostly upgraded pistols)
JW - 3 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the Yard defense (initial frags - vs mostly upgraded pistols)
0 votes
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stax - 1vs4 clutch (T - post-plant situation - second half pistol round)
stax - 1vs4 clutch (T - post-plant situation - second half pistol round)
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ZywOo quad kill in the second pistol round (Overpass)
ZywOo quad kill in the second pistol round (Overpass)
3 votes
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GuardiaN snipes down Renegades for the ACE (Train)
GuardiaN snipes down Renegades for the ACE (Train)
4 votes
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starladder observing...
starladder observing...
16 votes
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Trash talk!
Trash talk!
33 votes
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