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device snipes down four on the defense
device snipes down four on the defense
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DeathZz - 3 AK kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (2vs3 situation)
DeathZz - 3 AK kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (2vs3 situation)
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Plopski quad kill hold
Plopski quad kill hold
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Jame snipes down three on the retake (Overpass)
Jame snipes down three on the retake (Overpass)
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LUCAS1 1v2 clutch para impedir a FaZe de chegar ao matchpoint | Draft5.gg
LUCAS1 1v2 clutch para impedir a FaZe de chegar ao matchpoint | Draft5.gg
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