olof forgot
olof forgot
163 votes
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Broky staredown
Broky staredown
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Perfecto - 3 HS kills (2 CZ75A, Glock) on the bombsite B retake (initial 2vs3 post-plant situation)
Perfecto - 3 HS kills (2 CZ75A, Glock) on the bombsite B retake (initial 2vs3 post-plant situation)
13 votes
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14 votes
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Senor Vac
Senor Vac
19 votes
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CSGO Commentator gets called out by colleagues for his noobish use of space bar
CSGO Commentator gets called out by colleagues for his noobish use of space bar
49 votes
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insane exec
insane exec
709 votes
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