INnoVation betrayed by his own Reaper
INnoVation betrayed by his own Reaper
1 vote
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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Maru Reaper micro
Maru Reaper micro
0 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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GSL artosis can't be done
GSL artosis can't be done
1 vote
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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Maru about what would happen if he was allowed to play in WCS circuit
Maru about what would happen if he was allowed to play in WCS circuit
2 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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Inno smiles at Armani's pain
Inno smiles at Armani's pain
3 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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Neebs engangement against Stats (Game 2)
Neebs engangement against Stats (Game 2)
3 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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Classic's storms harass against Rogue
Classic's storms harass against Rogue
5 votes
GSLGSL playing StarCraft II
5 years ago
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