FalleN 1v3 clutch no primeiro armado | Draft5.gg
FalleN 1v3 clutch no primeiro armado | Draft5.gg
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device's 1vs4 clutch attempt (T - pre-plant situation) is denied by the final CT (Subroza)
device's 1vs4 clutch attempt (T - pre-plant situation) is denied by the final CT (Subroza)
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Comunicação ta boa
Comunicação ta boa
1 vote
5 years ago
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jks deags down three
jks deags down three
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Twistzz 1v3 clutch (Inferno)
Twistzz 1v3 clutch (Inferno)
2 votes
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Twist 180 no-scope to win the round
Twist 180 no-scope to win the round
14 votes
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