Tabsen with 3 crazy VAC shots
Tabsen with 3 crazy VAC shots
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dexter stunning 3k on the defense (Overpass)
dexter stunning 3k on the defense (Overpass)
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dupreeh cuts off the rotation with a 3k (Vertigo)
dupreeh cuts off the rotation with a 3k (Vertigo)
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CeRq snipes down four to outlast Na`Vi (Mirage)
CeRq snipes down four to outlast Na`Vi (Mirage)
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allu knife
allu knife
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stunna drunk
stunna drunk
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s1mple - 4 AK kills (2 HS) on the Mid to bombsite A offensive to secure the map victory
s1mple - 4 AK kills (2 HS) on the Mid to bombsite A offensive to secure the map victory
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