3 bullets - 3 hits
3 bullets - 3 hits
4 votes
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Gratisfaction takes down three in the first pistol round (Train)
Gratisfaction takes down three in the first pistol round (Train)
0 votes
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0 votes
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jks defends the site with a 3k (Mirage)
jks defends the site with a 3k (Mirage)
0 votes
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NBK takes down three with the cz75a (Inferno)
NBK takes down three with the cz75a (Inferno)
1 vote
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Xizt ninja
Xizt ninja
2 votes
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qikert sneaks through the smoke to get a quick double and secure the map (Mirage)
qikert sneaks through the smoke to get a quick double and secure the map (Mirage)
2 votes
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