FL1T - 1vs3 clutch (T - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill)
FL1T - 1vs3 clutch (T - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill)
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Forester takes down three on the defense (Mirage)
Forester takes down three on the defense (Mirage)
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Xyp9x 4k ACE CLUTCH to Nuke NRG xd
Xyp9x 4k ACE CLUTCH to Nuke NRG xd
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arT - 3 AUG kills on the bombsite A defense (finishing frags) to secure the match victory for FURIA
arT - 3 AUG kills on the bombsite A defense (finishing frags) to secure the match victory for FURIA
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NiKo 4 HS de Scout O_O - vs.com.br
NiKo 4 HS de Scout O_O - vs.com.br
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