Magisk takes down three on the offense to secure the first round of OT (Train)
Magisk takes down three on the offense to secure the first round of OT (Train)
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Summer - 3 kills (2 AWP, USP-S) on the bombsite B defense (initial frags)
Summer - 3 kills (2 AWP, USP-S) on the bombsite B defense (initial frags)
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nice spray
nice spray
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draken - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite A defense (finishing frags) to secure the map victory for NiP
draken - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite A defense (finishing frags) to secure the map victory for NiP
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jks 1v2 clutch (Mirage)
jks 1v2 clutch (Mirage)
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s1mple 1v3
s1mple 1v3
71 votes
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