Chad doing a shoey for the boys
Chad doing a shoey for the boys
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ropz triple kill hold
ropz triple kill hold
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chrisJ snipes down three on the defense (Train)
chrisJ snipes down three on the defense (Train)
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somedieyoung - 3 M4A4 kills on the bombsite A (2 kills) and Mid defense (1 kill)
somedieyoung - 3 M4A4 kills on the bombsite A (2 kills) and Mid defense (1 kill)
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zywoo doesnt stop
zywoo doesnt stop
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Vitality steals the round on a deaco (Mirage)
Vitality steals the round on a deaco (Mirage)
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lollipop pistol ace vs Navi
lollipop pistol ace vs Navi
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