device 1v2 clutch to complete the 4k (Vertigo)
device 1v2 clutch to complete the 4k (Vertigo)
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chelo - 3 AK HS kills on the Short defense (vs upgraded pistols)
chelo - 3 AK HS kills on the Short defense (vs upgraded pistols)
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scuffed trophy
scuffed trophy
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s1mple denies the defuse with a triple kill to clutch out the round
s1mple denies the defuse with a triple kill to clutch out the round
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OLOF 1v3
OLOF 1v3
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zywoo ACE clutch to steal the second pistol round (Dust2)
zywoo ACE clutch to steal the second pistol round (Dust2)
19 votes
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