nex (CT) resolves the 2vs2 post-plant situation with 2 M4A4 kills on the bombsite B retake (w/ 1vs1)
nex (CT) resolves the 2vs2 post-plant situation with 2 M4A4 kills on the bombsite B retake (w/ 1vs1)
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intz vs sharks 1
intz vs sharks 1
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ropz triple kill hold
ropz triple kill hold
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keoz - 1vs2 clutch (CT - pre-plant situation) to set Syman on map point
keoz - 1vs2 clutch (CT - pre-plant situation) to set Syman on map point
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ZywOo cathes Ence while corssing (Dust2)
ZywOo cathes Ence while corssing (Dust2)
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Gratis Poggers 1v3
Gratis Poggers 1v3
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[EN] FURIA vs INTZ | StarLadder Major Berlin 2019: Americas Minor | Day 5 w/ James Bardolph & Machine
[EN] FURIA vs INTZ | StarLadder Major Berlin 2019: Americas Minor | Day 5 w/ James Bardolph & Machine
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