Lekr0 takes down three to steal the round (Inferno)
Lekr0 takes down three to steal the round (Inferno)
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cadiaN takes down three but Xizt pulls off the defuse (Nuke)
cadiaN takes down three but Xizt pulls off the defuse (Nuke)
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gla1ve quick double to steal the round on a clutch retake (Dust2)
gla1ve quick double to steal the round on a clutch retake (Dust2)
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SANJI 1v2 clutch (Vertigo)
SANJI 1v2 clutch (Vertigo)
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Twistzz 1v2 clutch (Mirage)
Twistzz 1v2 clutch (Mirage)
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f0rest snipes down four on the defense (Dust2)
f0rest snipes down four on the defense (Dust2)
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they won the game afterwards.
they won the game afterwards.
23 votes
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