Ramee and Uchi troll OTT πŸ˜‚
Ramee and Uchi troll OTT πŸ˜‚
3 votes
4 years ago
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The last park ranger gets disrespected by player and locals
The last park ranger gets disrespected by player and locals
2 votes
4 years ago
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Ramee turns on his aimbot Kappa
Ramee turns on his aimbot Kappa
9 votes
3 years ago
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Marlo clue?
Marlo clue?
11 votes
2 years ago
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β€œI did a google search” Train metagaming!?
β€œI did a google search” Train metagaming!?
13 votes
3 years ago
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Chang Gang learns how to rob the Jewelry Store
Chang Gang learns how to rob the Jewelry Store
77 votes
2 years ago
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"dont point a gun at me" *points gun* "gets shot"
"dont point a gun at me" *points gun* "gets shot"
82 votes
2 years ago
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