OTT had his auto tuned voice box UPGRADED, can now turn it off an on.
OTT had his auto tuned voice box UPGRADED, can now turn it off an on.
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RP Blocked? Shi**y thing to say considering they are literally just playing their characters.
RP Blocked? Shi**y thing to say considering they are literally just playing their characters.
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Misfits kill violet
Misfits kill violet
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Speed Runnin Tacos Diss Comin | Outto-Tune Tyrone | Nopixel | !NordVPN !Elgato
Speed Runnin Tacos Diss Comin | Outto-Tune Tyrone | Nopixel | !NordVPN !Elgato
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OTT pov
OTT pov
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I guess racism is Vagos' next step
I guess racism is Vagos' next step
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24 votes
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