flamie fakes a useless creative smoke to draw attention for boombl4 to peek
flamie fakes a useless creative smoke to draw attention for boombl4 to peek
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s1mple - 4 quick Famas kills on the bombsite A defense (3vs4 situation)
s1mple - 4 quick Famas kills on the bombsite A defense (3vs4 situation)
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arT goes for the ace
arT goes for the ace
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electronic pushes through the smoke for a stunning 3k (Inferno)
electronic pushes through the smoke for a stunning 3k (Inferno)
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s1mple quad kill in the first pistol round (Nuke)
s1mple quad kill in the first pistol round (Nuke)
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Na'Vi Teamspeak
Na'Vi Teamspeak
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