Armada roasts tweek and the smash community
Armada roasts tweek and the smash community
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iStudying Frame One Parry p2
iStudying Frame One Parry p2
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dog gets abused by squid
dog gets abused by squid
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Welcome to the Brothers-in-the-hood!
Welcome to the Brothers-in-the-hood!
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Thank you, Zero
Thank you, Zero
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Melee time with Mjöd (arriving pretty soon) in Wizzys honor! 
Hype annoucement at 8PM (local time for me)
!Subgoal !YT
Melee time with Mjöd (arriving pretty soon) in Wizzys honor! Hype annoucement at 8PM (local time for me) !Subgoal !YT
12 votes
5 years ago
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