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aleksi fakes the ladder sound to bait rez into the zeus
aleksi fakes the ladder sound to bait rez into the zeus
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WTF Eros
WTF Eros
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2k for the 2k
2k for the 2k
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ZywOo 1v3 clutch to wrap up the map (Inferno)
ZywOo 1v3 clutch to wrap up the map (Inferno)
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Ropz and Woxic win 2 v 4 with bomb down dropped on site
Ropz and Woxic win 2 v 4 with bomb down dropped on site
6 votes
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flamie shuts down G2 with a swift 4k (Nuke)
flamie shuts down G2 with a swift 4k (Nuke)
8 votes
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