ZywOo - 4 kills (2 HE, 2 AWP) on the bombsite A defense to set Vitality on match point
ZywOo - 4 kills (2 HE, 2 AWP) on the bombsite A defense to set Vitality on match point
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Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife.
Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife.
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Zellsis taps down three in the first pistol round (Inferno)
Zellsis taps down three in the first pistol round (Inferno)
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KennyS collat - 3 people die within a second
KennyS collat - 3 people die within a second
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Sunny walks away
Sunny walks away
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es3tag uses a nade to save an AWP
es3tag uses a nade to save an AWP
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61 votes
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