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ZywOo (CT - Deagle/AWP) wins the 1vs1 duel with KRIMZ (AK - bombsite B)
ZywOo (CT - Deagle/AWP) wins the 1vs1 duel with KRIMZ (AK - bombsite B)
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flamie - ACE (Part 1 - 4/5 frags)
flamie - ACE (Part 1 - 4/5 frags)
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NiKo taps down three in the second pistol round ( Dust2)
NiKo taps down three in the second pistol round ( Dust2)
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coldzera deags down three (Nuke)
coldzera deags down three (Nuke)
7 votes
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GTR about his future
GTR about his future
47 votes
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72 votes
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