flamie (T - AK) wins the 1vs1 pre-plant duel with chrisJ (M4A1-S - bombsite B)
flamie (T - AK) wins the 1vs1 pre-plant duel with chrisJ (M4A1-S - bombsite B)
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YUTA with the 200IQ way to destroy the bars in Kafe
YUTA with the 200IQ way to destroy the bars in Kafe
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Zai just doesnt die.
Zai just doesnt die.
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gwbps_engwbps_en playing Dota 2
4 years ago
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jkaem - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite B defense (initial frags)
jkaem - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite B defense (initial frags)
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tabseN - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation)
tabseN - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation)
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dycha - 1vs2 clutch (T - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill)
dycha - 1vs2 clutch (T - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill)
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