dupreeh - 4 kills (2 Glock, 2 USP-S HS) on the bombsite A offensive (3vs4 situation - pistol round)
dupreeh - 4 kills (2 Glock, 2 USP-S HS) on the bombsite A offensive (3vs4 situation - pistol round)
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blameF disappointed with oBo's weak fist bump
blameF disappointed with oBo's weak fist bump
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syman vs navi wtf moment
syman vs navi wtf moment
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sergej 4k
sergej 4k
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flamie shuts down G2 with a swift 4k (Nuke)
flamie shuts down G2 with a swift 4k (Nuke)
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LIVE: ENCE vs. G2 Esports - ESL One New York 2019 - Groupstage
LIVE: ENCE vs. G2 Esports - ESL One New York 2019 - Groupstage
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