honda - 1vs2 clutch (T - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill) to tie the map at 14 rounds each - Part 1
honda - 1vs2 clutch (T - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill) to tie the map at 14 rounds each - Part 1
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Spinbotter gets unbanned during BIG vs Vitality
Spinbotter gets unbanned during BIG vs Vitality
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NiKo (CT) scores his first ACE under the G2 banner
NiKo (CT) scores his first ACE under the G2 banner
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Perfecto - 3 AUG kills on the bombsite B retake (2vs3 post-plant situation) to secure the map win
Perfecto - 3 AUG kills on the bombsite B retake (2vs3 post-plant situation) to secure the map win
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Allu hyperbot
Allu hyperbot
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Crazy final moments of Map 1 between Na`Vi and Astralis
Crazy final moments of Map 1 between Na`Vi and Astralis
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Boombl4 whiffs again
Boombl4 whiffs again
42 votes
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