What am I, a casual?
What am I, a casual?
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2 years ago
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Just Chatting: Rood dood talks about video games and other WACKY FUN life time.
Just Chatting: Rood dood talks about video games and other WACKY FUN life time.
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6 years ago
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FTL: No Pause/Hard Just taking a break from killing dudes/things in a medieval fantasy world to instead kill stuff in space for a while.
FTL: No Pause/Hard Just taking a break from killing dudes/things in a medieval fantasy world to instead kill stuff in space for a while.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I I really need a bigger, more metally hammer before these orcs become a bigger problem. A bigger, Greener, Problem.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I I really need a bigger, more metally hammer before these orcs become a bigger problem. A bigger, Greener, Problem.
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6 years ago
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MTG Arena: I basically just play this game because I can chat with you guys while I do it so this is more about chatting then vidya. Ye.
MTG Arena: I basically just play this game because I can chat with you guys while I do it so this is more about chatting then vidya. Ye.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I We're getting to that part of the game where one bad fight destroys all my hard work and I am scared chatroom.
Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I We're getting to that part of the game where one bad fight destroys all my hard work and I am scared chatroom.
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6 years ago
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FTL: No Pause/Hard boy it has been a while since I've done this. I wonder if Tully missed me. He probably didn't. He doesn't seem the type.
FTL: No Pause/Hard boy it has been a while since I've done this. I wonder if Tully missed me. He probably didn't. He doesn't seem the type.
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6 years ago
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