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Battle Brothers: New DLC Getting shot in the face with crossbow simulator. Only people who get shot in the face with crossbows can watch.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: DLC I/I/E/L Good thing there's a lot of tags that are armor and weapon relevant because the rest imply I'm good at this.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/I/L Killing the dudes for the things.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/I/L First we battle. then we brother. Wait that's not really how the game works. Or is it. How does one even bro?
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: E/E/L/I Necrosavant? More like...Deadcro...Sa...Dead. You know what, come back to me. I'm sick. Don't bully me chatroom.
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6 years ago
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