(PL/ENG) Playing plastic guitar because it's better than real one | !faq
(PL/ENG) Playing plastic guitar because it's better than real one | !faq
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He will never know how close he was to choke
He will never know how close he was to choke
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yuyuko shoots with butts
yuyuko shoots with butts
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Cloudy95Cloudy95 playing Touhou
6 years ago
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(PL/ENG) The feeling when you're late for your own stream... Blame my college <.< | !faq
(PL/ENG) The feeling when you're late for your own stream... Blame my college <.< | !faq
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(PL/EN) Clone Hero because Rocksmith didn't want to work with OBS monkaS | !faq
(PL/EN) Clone Hero because Rocksmith didn't want to work with OBS monkaS | !faq
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i heard there was some top tier guitar work here
i heard there was some top tier guitar work here
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