Pimp on Aleksib's calling
Pimp on Aleksib's calling
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RUSH fail call "Its Upper" to lose the game 16-14
RUSH fail call "Its Upper" to lose the game 16-14
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worst timing sponsor
worst timing sponsor
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FaZe soccer and double run boost. Good eco!
FaZe soccer and double run boost. Good eco!
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B1T - 4 Glock kills (2 HS) on the bombsite A offensive to secure the second half pistol round 2/2
B1T - 4 Glock kills (2 HS) on the bombsite A offensive to secure the second half pistol round 2/2
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coldzera 1v4 clutch (Dust2)
coldzera 1v4 clutch (Dust2)
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